Email Affiliate Marketing Discover How To Make It Work For You

Posted by: | Posted on: October 23, 2022

If you are a new affiliate marketer you have probably already realized that in order to make money you will have to not only drive as much traffic as possible to your website but also to capture your visitors contact information so that you can build a relationship with them. This is where email affiliate marketing comes in.

It might be depressing but it’s true, upwards of 98% of the visitors you drive to your website aren’t going to buy anything and most likely won’t ever come back. That means a lot of extra work for you when it comes to getting traffic. How much better would it be if you could somehow have multiple contacts with these website visitors so that you could build trust with them and they would eventually buy from you?

When you install a simple opt in form on your website you have the ability to encourage your visitors to sign up to receive your email messages. If you use this tool properly you will be able to turn many more of these visitors into customers.

You’ve probably heard that it can take anywhere from 7 – 10 contacts with someone before they’re comfortable enough with you to buy from you. In order to get them to open and read your emails so that you can build a relationship with them you have to always offer them something of value. you cannot just use your emails as a chance to make a sales presentation. If you do, they will opt out of your list and you will have lost them forever.

Make sure that you step outside of yourself and offer your email list something that will truly benefit them, not you. By providing them great and helpful information you are proving to them that you are not only an expert in your field but also that you can be a trusted resource who can provide them with what they need in order to accomplish whatever it is they want to accomplish.

To get them to sign up for your list you can offer them a report or a short mini course. No matter what you offer as an incentive the same rules apply: make it something of real value that will help your subscriber in some way.

There is a lot of free information floating around the internet. It isn’t enough anymore to just offer someone something for free. It has got to be something unique that offers a lot of perceived value.

This same principle applies when you are preparing your follow up email messages. Whatever you include make sure it offers your subscribers useful information that isn’t readily available elsewhere.

The best way to monetize your email list is to include a post script at the end of each of your messages that includes a link to a product or service that will help them further.

Most of us want to make more money and when it comes to email affiliate marketing the biggest thing you can do to increase your income is to take the time and effort to build a trusting relationship with your email list subscribers. People are always much more likely to buy from a friend that they trust than they will from a stranger.

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Domain Web Hosting Service – Can Make You Or Break You

Posted by: | Posted on: October 23, 2022

When starting your online business there are a few things that are crucial to your success, having your own domain name and a domain web hosting service are two of the most important. Your own domain name will allow you to ‘brand’ your product or service and you need a good hosting company that can provide you with a space to put that domain name and the website you build around it.

Think of it like this, a big storage facility where anyone can rent one, or more, storage units. You pay a monthly fee and will have varying degrees of access to your storage space. The company that is renting the storage buildings will take care of all the maintenance and service, you just have to watch out for your particular storage unit.

Web hosting is a similar concept. There are many companies that will provide you with an online ‘storage space’ where you can ‘place’ your website. You will be renting a portion of their server, or a whole server depending on your needs. You will pay a monthly fee and they will take care of making sure that their servers are up and working 24/7.

The major hosting companies such as GoDaddy and HostGator will offer several packages to suit virtually every online business need. For many people a simple shared hosting plan (where you rent a portion of a server) that will allow them to host unlimited websites (as long as none of them require a lot of bandwidth) will be plenty. If you are building a niche website empire you might want to consider a dedicated hosting account where you can rent a whole server from your hosting company. By going this route, you have more control and a lot more bandwidth.

Still another option is a reseller account. This is where you pay to rent a block of the servers and you can sub-divide that block into smaller units and then rent those out. The hosting company will still handle all the maintenance and usually the customer service. Just check the specifics with whichever hosting company you choose.

When choosing a host make sure you get one that guarantees 99% up time. You will lose money if your server goes down and customers can’t get to your website. Great customer service is another thing to consider. You want to be able to reach someone 24/7 if you have a problem or a question.

Most companies are quite inexpensive and if you pay a year, or more, ahead of time your actual cost can be as low as $3 or $4 a month depending on your plan. If you don’t prepay and you opt for a monthly payment plan you can expect to pay around $10 a month for a shared hosting plan which will still allow you unlimited websites. You may have some bandwidth restrictions with this type of plan but unless you are getting millions of hits everyday you shouldn’t have to worry too much.

As your online niche website empire grows you might want to consider getting a dedicated hosting account so you can have more flexibility in the bandwidth as well as some other functions.

Once you’ve bought your domain name, you will need a place to store that domain name. You will need domain web hosting and with all the reliable companies around today you can get the hosting you need for less than a cup of coffee.

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Submitting Articles To Article Directories: How Much Traffic Can I Really Bring In?!

Posted by: | Posted on: October 19, 2022

I like to surf around different internet forums that deal with internet marketing, link building, traffic building, and search engine optimization. Lately, I have seen a lot of questions about using articles as a marketing tool. The question has been this:

“How much traffic can I get from submitting articles to article directories?”

I would honesty love to tell you that you get loads of traffic. On the other hand, I would love to be able to tell you that you wouldn’t get a lot of traffic. However, I cannot tell you either way because it really just depends.

It depends on these things:

<!–[if !supportEmptyParas]–><!–[endif]–> <ul>
<li>How many articles you submit</li>
<li>How many directories you submit your articles to</li>
<li>Where you submitted your article</li>
<li>Quality of your article</li>
<li>Usefulness of your article</li>
<li>Value of your article</li>

So if article writing appears so iffy, why do it? One thing I will say is that article marketing is not something you will usually see results from overnight. Article marketing is a great long term investment for promoting your website, building links, and generating more traffic. Article marketing is only iffy if you are looking for a short term or fast, quick way to generate traffic.

My best advice is to avoid writing garbage content. Provide useful information in your article. Keep a constant mindset that you are writing for people and not to see the traffic stats go up through the roof. You are not writing for numbers! You are writing for people. If you are writing for numbers, you may begin to feel discouraged because your traffic will not usually jump overnight. Quite simply, it takes time to realize the positive effects from article writing.

I know that I am guilty of taking short cuts and forgetting about the reader in my articles. Sometimes I am feeling lazy and think, “Well I’m writing this article. My link will be on my article, so therefore, people will click my link and all will be well.” That is wishful thinking on my part! The truth and reality about that statement is that nobody will care to click to my website if my article is not worth reading. They won’t even make it through the article to see my link! That’s a shame.

If your article fails to meet the reader, you also miss out on another important aspect. You miss out on the chance that the reader will take the article and distribute it to other people with your link attached to the article. That’s even more possible traffic you are missing out on!

Quality is so essential to article marketing. The other factors of article marketing have no match for a quality article. You could submit to few article directories and many would read your quality article because it is an article worth reading.

To summarize, write quality articles that meet the reader. Give the reader exactly what they want. Do not take shortcuts because there are no shortcuts in article marketing. Article marketing can be a time consuming process, but if done right, it will really, and I mean really, pay off in the long run.

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